Perhaps you’ve heard of the “vampire” treatments that have swept the internet in popularity lately. Turns out, this colloquial term doesn’t just suit spooktastic movies, gothic novels, and folklore.

A vampire facial – the most well-known of the vampire series – involves PRP, platelet-rich plasma, being injected into the skin after microneedling to improve the look and feel of your complexion.

Another use for PRP has garnered more attention – this time, in the field of hair loss.

The PRP hair treatment is another innovation in hair restoration, with a multitude of studies showing its ability to stimulate dramatic hair growth in many patients who suffer from hair loss.

What does it entail, exactly? Let’s start with PRP. PRP is platelet-rich plasma that is derived from whole blood and is rich in growth factors. The plasma is commonly referred to as “liquid gold” since this high concentration of growth factors help with tissue healing.

These growth factors, when injected into the scalp, can help stimulate the hair follicles which in turn promotes hair growth, reduces shedding, and improves hair thickness.

PRP hair injections can benefit many types of hair loss

Many people who experience hair loss or hair thinning can find tremendous benefits from PRP hair injections. In fact, studies have included individuals across a range of ages from 18 to 70+ years, meaning it’s a good solution for all ages.

In terms of hair loss, the treatment is best used for those with mild to moderate hair loss. These people tend to respond best as PRP injections can help stop the hair loss in its tracks. Unfortunately, people with severe hair loss are generally not good candidates for PRP. However, not all hope is lost as the FUE hair transplant could be a good option for people with moderate to severe hair loss.

It’s also best used for those with androgenic alopecia, aka male pattern baldness, genetically determined hair thinning that typically appears as thinning at the top of the head or a receding hairline.

On the other hand, if you have an underlying disorder such as thyroid disease or lupus, results may be diminished because these conditions will continue to cause hair loss as time goes on. Additionally, if you are on blood thinners, your platelets won’t work as effectively, rendering the procedure ineffective .

Patients typically need 3-4 PRP hair injections

So, how much does PRP for hair loss cost? It should be clear that this is not a one-and-done treatment but rather an ongoing process that will continue to support you in your hair loss journey.

Let’s dive deeper into what the procedure entails: Blood is drawn from your arm. The tube of blood is put into a centrifuge which separates the platelets from other components in your plasma. The platelet-rich plasma is then injected directly into the scalp at the hair follicle level – around the front of the scalp, your part, and where you’re experiencing hair loss.

Patients are encouraged to receive four treatments within the first year and every six months afterwards. Luckily, the procedure only takes about fifteen minutes!

And while the words blood and injections may spark a sliver of fear in you, rest assured there’s minimal risk associated with PRP treatments. You can expect to go home and carry out your normal activities that same day.

The cost of PRP hair treatment can vary

Now that you understand the value, you may be wondering what the exact price is. To reiterate, rates will fluctuate as you will need to complete a series of PRP injections.”

That said, rates also vary greatly from place to place. But to get an idea, the price typically ranges from $2,400- 3,000 for the initial four treatments, as they’re typically sold in packages. That equates to each injection costing anywhere from $600-750.

It should also be noted that the PRP hair treatment is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not typically covered by insurance.

Hair growth results can take 6-12 months

Getting results is going to take a bit of time. That’s because the scalp stimulates the stem cells to jolt the hair follicles back to life, resulting in hair growth. It can also help strengthen and thicken the existing hairs, so you may not see results for a few months.

A 2016 study published in the journal Dermatologic Surgery showed that after three months of treatments, participants saw improvement in the number and thickness of hairs. But, there’s a lot of variability in results from person to person so it may take longer than three months. But as with so many hair loss treatments, patience and consistency is key.

Hopefully, within 6 months, upwards of twelve, you’ll find less hair shed after washing your hair, more hairs coming to light, and thicker hair that gets you feeling confident in your ‘do.

Hair loss medication can improve results

To conclude the good news: platelet-rich plasma injections can help increase hair density, improve hair thickness, and stimulate hair regrowth. And how long does PRP last? In order to maintain PRP results, we encourage patients to have maintenance PRP treatments every 6 months. Here’s some even better news: you can achieve best results and even extend results by following up with a hair restoration treatment plan that includes minoxidil and finasteride. That means that PRP can, and should, be a part of a multifaceted program to treat hair loss and thinning.

Photo by Angelo Pantazis on Unsplash

The information provided in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely upon the content provided in this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency department. If you are contemplating suicide, call 911 or call/text the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. These services are available 24/7.

If you would like to learn more about finasteride, please see the full prescription information here. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit MedWatch:   or call 1-800-FDA-1088