When you first notice signs of hair loss, it’s normal to feel frustrated and upset. Regardless of when it happens to you, you want a solution to stop hair loss and improve hair growth fast.

Fortunately, there is a solution that can help in preventing hair loss and promoting hair regrowth: Compounded topical hair loss treatments.

What’s the best topical hair loss treatment? Does it really work? Let’s find out.

What exactly is a compounded hair loss formula?

Before we dive into compounded medications for hair loss, we must understand the nature of compounded drugs in general. These medications are usually created by blending several ingredients together to make a medication that can efficiently meet patients’ needs. This often makes the treatments more effective than they would be if used in isolation.

Compounded hair loss formulas are typically topical treatments. Researchers have found that combining finasteride with minoxidil as a topical treatment leads to a stronger formula with better results than either of the drugs on their own.

How can topical finasteride and minoxidil help with hair loss?

So, how does a combined finasteride and minoxidil topical formula really work?

In men, hair loss is often due to androgenetic alopecia—also known as male pattern baldness. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a male hormone that affects hair growth and often leads to hair loss through miniaturization (or “shrinkage”) of hair follicles.

Here’s where the finasteride comes in—finasteride works by blocking the enzyme responsible for transforming testosterone into DHT. When the overall DHT levels in the scalp are lowered, hair loss is curbed, and many men experience some regrowth as well.

Meanwhile, minoxidil helps stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow to hair follicles and causing resting follicles to grow hair again—and the result is often thicker hair.

This blend of these two FDA-approved drugs is a win-win. In clinical studies of compounded hair loss treatments that include both finasteride and minoxidil, the majority of participants report successful outcomes such as greater scalp coverage, thicker hair with greater volume, better density, and an improved hair appearance overall.

Can finasteride be applied topically?

Compounded finasteride and minoxidil is a topical treatment that is applied to the scalp. Some studies have shown that there are fewer side effects when finasteride is administered topically versus when it’s taken in pill form.

Does topical finasteride have side effects?

Individuals who utilize topical finasteride often see similar results as those who take oral finasteride tablets or topical minoxidil as individual treatments. Research suggests that the side effects of topical finasteride are less common than those associated with oral finasteride.

Here’s a list of the side effects generally associated with finasteride:

  • Depression or anxiety
  • Dizziness, weakness, or feeling like you might pass out
  • Headache
  • Inability to urinate
  • Pain in the testicles
  • Runny nose
  • Rash
  • Signs of an allergic reaction like skin rash, itching, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, or tongue
  • Sexual side effects (more on that below)
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Swelling, pain, or tenderness in the breasts, or fluids leaking from the nipple

Keeps Medical Director, Dr. Peter Young, says that the likelihood of experiencing side effects with topical treatments is generally lower than the likelihood of experiencing side effects with oral medications. That’s because topically applied medications are absorbed less into your system than oral medications. As such, topical medications have less potential to cause systemic side effects.

In fact, several clinical studies have shown that the topical form of finasteride may have a lower risk of sexual side effects, such as erectile dysfunction, than the pill form. If you are particularly concerned about sexual side effects, rest assured that topical finasteride provides the same benefits for your hair loss as the oral version with a lower chance of these side effects.

In rare cases, men may experience localized skin reactions such as itching, burning, dryness or flaking if they are allergic or sensitive to ingredients included in a compounded topical finasteride and minoxidil solution. These reactions usually resolve shortly after the medication is stopped. Some men may experience temporary hair shedding during the first two months of treatment. This occurs as a result of the minoxidil stimulating your thinning hairs to fall out and make way for your new, healthier hair. All that increased hair loss is just your “bad” hair making way for your “good” hair.

How long does it take for a compounded topical treatment to show results?

Hair loss treatments take time. Patients usually begin to see results with a finasteride and minoxidil topical treatment within four to six months of beginning treatment. It often takes several months beyond that, as many as six to twelve months, to see full results—overall thicker hair and dramatically reduced baldness and patches.

Of course, as with all medications, the results can vary from person to person. Some may see results earlier, while it may take more time for others. Still, most people do see impressive results when using the compounded formula, especially compared with formulas containing just minoxidil.

Finasteride and minoxidil are the two FDA-approved treatment options for male pattern baldness. The blend of these two medications in a compounded topical treatment option provides an effective two-in-one formula for those suffering from hair loss.

Several studies suggest that individuals who use a compounded topical finasteride and minoxidil formula experience better results than those who use topical minoxidil alone. What’s more, the compounded topical finasteride and minoxidil treatment option is associated with potentially less risk for side effects than the oral finasteride alternative.

If you’re looking to treat hair loss and experience real results, you may want to consider using compounded topical finasteride and minoxidil as a treatment. Stay tuned to find out when Keeps’ topical finasteride and minoxidil formula will be available.

The information provided in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely upon the content provided in this article for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.

Photo by SURABHI via Unsplash